Honorary Chair Person, Kingston upon Thames Association for the Blind

Closing date: Tuesday 15 March 2022
Hours: : 6 x Trustee Meetings for approximately 2 hours, up to 3 hours weekly for administrative tasks, ad-hoc meetings and charity events
Contract: 1 year minimum term of office
Kingston upon Thames Association for the Blind (KAB) is a small charity whose Mission is ‘To empower people living with sight loss, to lead independent and fulfilled lives in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames’. The charity provides a range of services to achieve this, such as lawn bowls, ten pin bowling, tandem cycling, befriending schemes and social clubs with refreshments/entertainment, and outings; where members give and receive peer support, which all benefit mental health and well-being. The charity also provides assistive technology support, help with form-filling and supports the Kingston Talking Newspaper.
The charity works closely with Kingston Council, Kingston Hospital Royal Eye Unit, Royal Borough of Kingston’s Sight & Hearing Service and community and other Sight Loss Charities. KAB has a small team of Trustees and Trustee Meetings are held every six weeks, and in order to contribute to the decision-making process Trustees are expected to attend workshops and training sessions and to join sub-committees, as required, in order to gain a clearer understanding of the charity’s work.
Currently, the charity has two part-time employees, who are supported by several volunteers. This in itself if challenging and we are seeking a Chair who is passionate, motivated, with excellent leadership skills, who can commit the time to help drive the charity forward to its next growth stage and help increase its team.
For further details, go to the Kingston Association for the Blind website.
Job description (opens in Word).
To apply please email KAB or telephone 020 8605 0060, mobile 07458 301583.
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