Get Set Progress Internship application portal now open

Get Set Progress Internship Programme logo
This year Thomas Pocklington Trust are aiming to have 25 internships across the country.
If you have an exciting opportunity, please do put an application in and also share with organisations in your area, both private and voluntary.
Get Set Progress Internships are full time (36 hours a week) for nine months and have a salary based on the real living wage from the Living Wage Foundation. The internships are designed to be development opportunities and each intern has a dedicated training plan, receive a mentor and intensive employability support to provide a meaningful experience. 50% of funding is available to fund the Intern’s salary. This is covered within the application process. TPT will support successful organisations throughout the whole process ensuring that both the intern and organisation have a positive experience.
Below is the quality framework which gives more detailed information regarding the programme, including an example job description and person specification within the appendices.
Get Set Progress Quality Framework 2022 (DOCX, 112 KB)
A link to the portal can be found at: Visit TPT Grants Portal
Below is the proposed timeline we are currently working to:
- Application portal has gone live for organisations to apply to host an Intern. The closing date has been extended to 25 September 2023.
- August – Organisations will be notified whether they have been successful and grant agreements will be drawn up.
- September – Intern vacancies will be advertised for 3 weeks.
- October – Interviews to take place.
- November – All interns to start.
If you would like any further information or would like to have a meeting to discuss any of this in more detail, please don’t hesitate in getting in touch by email to Josh Feehan or on 07973 867518.
Updated: 27 August 2023
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