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Equality Impact Assessments – Visionary Lunch and Learn
Tuesday 3 September 2024
12:30 pm to 1:30pm
Equality Impact Assessments (EAIs) allow you to take a holistic look at your plans before you do them to identify any potential harm or disadvantage to people from minoritised communities. This allows you to reflect on your plans putting mitigations in place to reduce or hopefully eliminate the challenges they present.
In this session we will explore EAIs, what makes a good (or bad) EIA and how you ensure this is an effective process that adds value to your decision making rather than a tick box exercise.
This session is delivered by representatives from the Vision Partnership’s Equity Plus workstream. As part of this session there will be an opportunity to influence the work of the Equity Plus workstream by sharing your experiences, development opportunities and thoughts for future priorities for the workstream. Results from this session will be feedback to the Equity Plus workstream.
The session is open to all Visionary member and partners who have an interest in equality, diversity and inclusion.
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