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Art and Creativity

Tuesday 16 July 2024
10:00 am to 11:00am

Meeting Registration

At the Visionary Annual Conference 2023, Hayley Grocock, CEO of Wakefield District Sight Aid and Ruth Fones, Independent Artist and Teacher hosted an interactive workshop about their Art Beyond Vision project. The project showcased the power of collaboration and co-design with people with lived experience of sight loss. Hayley shared how the Art Beyond Vision project challenged them both to do things differently, so they could cater to a wide spectrum of sight loss in the art group and keep accessibility at the heart of everything they do.

This workshop has inspired other Visionary members to develop their own art and creativity projects. As a result, we are launching this one off session which provides the opportunity for colleagues across the Visionary network to come together to explore their progress, ideas, successes and challenges in developing new projects.

The session will be hosted by Hayley Grocock (Wakefield District Sight Aid), Jacquie Winning and Linsey Stocks (Forth Valley Sensory Centre) and Lesley Carcary (Seescape) who will all share their own recent experiences, funding opportunities and ideas for the future. There will also be an opportunity for open discussion and questions.

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