Visionary Annual Conference – FAQ

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Visionary Annual Conference 2024.  We hope the following information will assist in your planning and preparation.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch via email if you have any questions.

How do I find Conference Aston?

Conference Aston is based on the Aston University Campus in Birmingham city centre and is easy to get to by walking, public transport and by car. Details of how to get to Conference Aston as well as important parking information is on their website: How do I get to you – Conference Aston

How do I book car parking?

You can book this via the Conference Aston website.  Please book your car parking for Car Park 12, prior to arrival.

What are the accommodation check in and check out times at Conference Aston?

You can check in from 2pm and check out is by 11am on the day of departure.  Please ask at reception if you would like to store any bags prior to checking in.

How do I inform the venue of my access requirements?

The conference booking form will request your communication requirements.  If you are staying overnight at Conference Aston, you will be asked to complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) form prior to arrival.  This will be sent to you in July 2023.

What are the emergency procedures for Conference Aston?

You can download the full Emergency Procedure for Conference Aston below, please note this is a document provided by Conference Aston:

Conference Aston – General Evacuation Plan Document (DOCX, 34 KB)

Leisure facilities are available to overnight hotel guests at Conference Aston’s gym and pool.  Please visit Where can I relax and keep fit – Conference Aston for more details.

Is WiFi available?

Free WiFi is available around the conference centre and hotel, details of which will be provided with upon arrival.

How do I registration for the Conference?

We will be available for conference registration and collection of your delegate pack on Tuesday 24 September from 16.00 to 18.00 and Wednesday 25 September from 8:30 to 10:00

What is the dress code?

We don’t have a dress code as we want you to feel comfortable throughout the event.

When will I received the delegate pack?

This year we are delivering a paperless event, you will be emailed a delegate pack in your preferred format at least 2 weeks before the event.

Please can you remind me which workshops I have booked?

You will received a final confirmation of your conference booking email 2 week prior to the event, please check all details carefully as we may not be able to make changes on the day.  Please note that workshop spaces are limited, therefore please only attend the workshop you have booked.  It may be possible to attend to a different one in the case there are spaces available, please ask at registration.

Has a workshop space been reserved for my sighted guide?

If you have specified, at the time of booking, that you will accompanied by a sighted guide, Visionary has organised the workshop space for you including your guide.

Will my dietary requirements be accommodated?

Visionary has informed the venue of all dietary requirements according to the booking forms received.  If you would like to confirm we have your requirements, please email us and will check for you.

What will be in my delegate pack?

This year we are delivering a paperless event, you will be emailed a delegate pack in your preferred format at least 2 weeks before the event.  This will contain information about speakers, a map of the exhibitors, venue guide, emergency procedures and the agenda.

Is lunch provided? 

Lunch is provided on both days of the conference as part of your delegate package.

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