Save the date for the Visionary Annual Conference 2021
We are so excited to share our first Save the Date for this year’s Annual Conference. We are delighted that we will be hosting our second virtual Visionary Conference on 24, 25 and 26 November 2021.
We are developing a range of workshops, keynote speakers, activities and dedicated time to focus on you. We will be following the same flexible format as last year, so you can create your own conference programme…… more to be revealed in the coming weeks. We’ll also be sharing later this month the details of how to renew your annual membership and reserve your early bird conference places at the same time.
We hope that by offering a virtual conference again, we can create the opportunity for you to join workshops, keynote speeches and sector-wide discussions during your busy schedules, as you continue to reopen, rebuild and develop your services after the restrictions of the last 12 months. As ever, the conference is open to leaders, trustees and staff teams, so please share the date and encourage your teams to get involved.
Do not panic though – this does not mean that we have replaced the face-to-face conference permanently. We aim to bring the Visionary network together again in Birmingham in 2022.
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