RNIB turns Piccadilly Lights billboard upside down

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On 6 July 2020, the Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) is turning the giant Piccadilly Lights billboard upside down to raise awareness of the difficulties the sight loss community has faced during coronavirus.

Piccadilly Lights billboard with each of the six brands on the screen showing advertisements that are upside down.

Piccadilly Lights billboard with each of the six brands on the screen showing advertisements that are upside down.


From new road and shop layouts, to social distancing rules, the blind and partially sighted community are having to re-learn how to navigate society. Social distancing has impacted on their independence and confidence and it has become difficult, if not impossible, for many to go out for every-day essentials like food, exercise and medical appointments.

RNIB has partnered with household name brands to show their support for the sight loss community and raise awareness, and to do this they’ve turned Piccadilly Lights upside-down.

We’re asking you to join us on 6 July 2020 to post on social media channels and make some noise for a #WorldUpsideDown

To support by taking the quiz or for more ideas on how to help go to the RNIB website.

Source: RNIB

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