Organisations invited to join the highly successful Get Set Progress internship programme by the Thomas Pocklington Trust

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Thomas Pocklington Trust logo. Large TPT letters with the words Thomas Pocklington Trust underneath enclosed in a rectangle. Letters, words and the rectangle border are a dark blue. Within the P of TPT is a small round eye looking upwards.

Thomas Pocklington Trust logo

Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT) is actively seeking new partner organisations to join its Get Set Progress (GSP) internship programme and host a visually impaired intern for their next intake of talent this autumn.

The GSP aims to place individuals with sight loss into organisations across the UK and they are currently seeking expansion within the sight loss sector for the next round of the programme. Placements within organisations run for nine months with TPT supporting organisations throughout the entire process from recruitment and onboarding to consistent check-ins. All placements are paid according to the Real Living Wage by the Living Wage Foundation. Financial support of to 50% towards an intern’s salary is also available – details of this can be found within the application portal.

The GSP has two target candidates:

  1. Blind and partially sighted people who have recently left education and are looking to make that first step on their career path.
  2. People who have acquired a visual impairment and are looking to return to the workplace.

Interns have previously held positions various organisations in and out of the sight loss sector including in finance, HR, communications, marketing, IT and customer services. Do consider any-entry level roles you were thinking of advertising as potential internship opportunities.

What to do next:

  • Organisations need to head to TPT Grants Portal
  • Applications to host an intern are expected to close on 24 June 2024
  • Role advertisement to begin July 2024
  • Internship to start in September 2024

For more information, please contact email Charlie Rashbrook, Internships Coordinator, or call on 07596 874572.


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