New Research: V I Outlooks to arrive later this year

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In September, RNIB will be introducing V I Outlooks – a new piece of primary research that explores quality of life as experienced by blind and partially sighted people.
V I Outlooks explores the relationship between the ability to do a particular activity and the impact that being able to carry out the activity would have on quality of life, as perceived by nearly 500 blind and partially sighted individuals.
The research reveals some stark gaps between the positive impact key activities in various life areas have on blind and partially sighted people’s quality of life and their perceived ability to carry out such activities. The study identifies several unmet needs, particularly in the areas of travel, home life, and social life.
This research provides rich data on the day-to-day practicalities of living with sight loss, deepening our understanding of which aspects of wellbeing matter most to people living with sight loss and how well their needs are being met.
This will improve our ability to address levels of inequality and aid our engagement with social change partners to facilitate better provision of services for blind and partially sighted individuals.
To register your expression of interest for V I Outlooks please email
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