Local digital strategy – Send your feedback to Guide Dogs

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Last year at the Visionary Annual Conference 2022, Guide Dogs presented the Access to Tech “Local Digital Strategy” paper (see below) aimed at providing advice on how to engage your Local or Mayoral combined authority around their digital strategy.
We wanted to take this occasion to reconnect with you about the importance of working on the digital divide and that greater collaboration between sight loss organisations and Local or Mayoral Combined Authorities will not only allow sight loss organisations to amplify the voices of unsupported individuals regarding technology and digital services, but also provide them a greater range of tools to empower those with sight loss to be independent and lead fuller lives.
Digital engagement strategies exist to ensure people across the country have access to and are supported to engage with digital services. This paper gives you all the tools to engage with these groups and provide the stats and benefits of bridging the digital divide experienced by people with a vision impairment.
We would love to hear your stories or your feedback on this paper and how engagement with your Local or Mayoral Combined Authority has gone.
Please feel free to email Sarah Brandwood at Guide Dogs or fill out the online feedback form by the 30 September 2023.
Local Government Digital Strategy (PDF, 378 KB)
Updated 27 August.
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